Just Call Me Skeet!

The one complaint I have about Milan, is that I have been absolutely attacked by mosquitoes. Anyone who really knows me realizes that insects of all kinds love me! Yes, Capital L, Capital O, Capital V, Capital E....LOVE me! Kyle, thank you for the after-bite! Oh, if it only worked! Milan is the rice growing section of Italy. Which means in August, it is Mosquito season. Amy and I walk to school past the rice fields everyday and well, I look like I have chicken pox. It is a beautiful first impression, trust me. My teaching partner, Mike, asked if he should bring me to the hospital and then advised me to tie my hands so I would stop itching. Caroline is the only other teacher who has really been attacked too. When asked if she wanted to go get gelato, she said only if she could dip her feet in it, to cool her swollen bites.


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