Pizza Delivery

October 4, 2007

I was completely thrilled when Jenn offered to cancel the group date that was scheduled in downtown Milan, on Thursday, the night before I would be heading to Scotland. I half reprimanded myself for not being excited to go out with Mauritsio, an oncologist and his friends. Maybe it was that I needed to pack for Scotland. I know, I know, don't laugh. All of you know, I am not a packer. I never pack early and I never pack well. I always end up throwing all my stuff in a bag and heading out for the adventure, only to self ridicule myself for the whole trip of how I should have been more diligent.

So the packing part, was probably just an excuse. Maybe it was the thought of having to get dressed up? Okay, Tracey and Heather, stop shaking your heads. I know, I love changing my clothes ten thousand times. Maybe it was the thought of the 40 minute public transportation ride? All right, I have my ipod. I think it was the fact, that most Italian men wear bedazzled jeans (ones with rhinestones on them.) And this week, I was simply tired of looking at Italian men and somewhere deep down inside, perhaps I was craving a beer from Seebers.

So, when Jenn said we should just get some wine and pizza, I was ecstatic.

The cancelled date gave us an opportunity. With the long weekend approaching, we had avoided the Coop all week. Even borrowing toilet paper from Amy and maybe even drinking 3 day expired milk in our coffee. So Thursday night, at about 7:30, we headed out to buy some necessities, which have turned out to be pizza and wine.

"How are we going to get this all home?" Jenn smirked.
"This will be the adventure!" I laughed. I can barely ride my bike without pizza and wine but with new found energy from the good news, I felt I could do anything. The wine and toilet paper were a piece of cake, they nestled beautifully in my new front basket. It wasn't until the pizza was purchased did I realize the box clipped perfectly on my back platform. I felt as if the "Flying Dutchman" (my bike) had come through once again.

I was so excited that I called Amy to ready herself on her balcony to document this small feat. Jenn said we were no better than fraternity boys....buying toilet paper, alcohol, and pizza. So true, however, it feels a little better in Italy, when the pizza is from heaven and the wine is smooth, but it is true I have no explanation for the toilet paper.


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