Heading to Scotland

Glasgow, boys from Aberdeen and two of the most delightful women I have ever met. On the surface alone, one can tell the combination is a recipe for one hell of a time.
I was looking forward to hearing Aberdeenian English from Caroline's friends, Mike, Mark and Dunc. Caroline's friendly reminder that we may feel like we are in a country where English is not the native language, made me squirm with excitement. I couldn't wait to feel the comfort of seeing pale skin and blue eyes of Northern Europeans in wool sweaters. Couldn't wait to be away from the bedazzled jeans and Dolce and Gabbana rhinestone t-shirts that are everywhere here.
"I think Scotland is a country I will feel like I belong in!" I stated stoically to Mike on Friday afternoon.
"Rebecca, you belong here, in Italy. You signed a three year contract, maybe you should start enjoying exactly where you are at." Mike paternally responded.
Mike Amodio is so consistent. Consistent in his kindness. Consistent in his ability in making all people feel entirely comfortable with exactly who they are and where they are at. He is a gift. In a time when I have lost all faith in the kindness of men, I get to teach beside a person who treats everyone as if they were his sibling and I get to watch him love a Sicilian woman that he moved half way around the world for, a woman, he loves with an honesty that is refreshing.
So with the hope that I belong in Italy, I head to Scotland with my two great friends. How is it possible that I have only known these women for six weeks and I can picture these women with me in the nursing home with our grand daughters near? They are amazing, deep, kind, funny. I am blessed, for their hearts are huge and they have become my family. I asked for a village and the new village appeared. Appeared with bottles of wine, thai food and M&M's with Caroline. Appeared with great music, would you rather games, hour long nutella binges and middle school boyfriend bike rides with Amy. Oh thank you girls! Let's have an adventure in Scotland!