Minced.... Ooot My Neck.... Scoofin!

A weekend in Glasgow, Scotland. Which is a city, according to Caroline’s friend Tracy, is a perfect place to go if you are only going to see the inside of a pub. According to her, Glasgow is complete rubbish.
Scotland, a land full of green hills, beige sheep, and hedge enclosures. This weekend, would not be about geographic beauty. Instead, it would be about sight seeing in the hearts and minds of complete strangers. Strangers that you know you will love just by knowing Caroline. Caroline, a person who brings a joy to life seldom matched by anyone.
This weekend was spent in the pubs of Sauchiehall Street. Dunc, Mike and Mark, Scots through and through. Their pride of Aberdeen came out in every sentence spoken. Friends, for as long as they can remember. It was heartwarming to see such friends. I have to admit, it made me miss Greene and my own friends that I have had practically since birth. But then, I found it interesting to feel so at home with complete strangers. We drank, danced and mostly we just laughed. We found ourselves wearing a metallic cowboy hat, we somehow acquired throughout the evening. Amy and I learned phrases from Dunc, like "minced", "oot my neck" "scoofin" which are all words one could use to describe inebriation. We let the rest of the world have whatever weekend they wished. For us, we decided to have a weekend where complete strangers felt like family. To say it like a Scot....It was pure, dead brilliant!

Aberdeen, a cold Scottish city on the North Sea, made all of them contemplate the world and perhaps made them drink a little more than they really should. Mark, a man who is completely and utterly in love with Caroline, talked about the sea, as if it were a god. I could understand and when he said, “The Sea tends to help men sort things out!” I couldn’t help but think of my own life and how many days I had looked to the water to show me the way.
