Ma's Hidden Kitchen Supper Club

November 28, 2012

Guest Chef Andrea Sposini
(Photographs by K. Tarabelli)
Roasted Lamb
Tortellini dough
Crema di zucca al lime con crostini al cacao e sale Indiano 
(Cream of pumpkin and lime/leek soup with chocolate croutons and Indian salt)
Tortelli di radicchio con salsa all'arancia
(Tortellini stuffed with shallots and radicchio in a creme of orange sauce)
Arrosto di agnello al cardamomo
(Stuffed roasted lamb with cardamom)
Insalata di pompelmo foglie e mandorle
(Salad with grapefruit, almonds and clover)
Budino di Limone verde con polvere di bronte
(Green Lemon pudding with pistacchio and whipped cream)

Tara= scale
Kira's last name is Tarabelli (beautiful scale)
The key ingredient of the evening: Citrus

Grapefruit Salad

The almost finished lamb

Tortellini making

Ms. Kira...

(photograph Ma's Hidden Supper Club)


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