
November 10, 2007

The church bells ring and I sit in my pajamas on my balcony as the sun makes me blind to my computer screen. People drive slowly down the streets and I see men on their bikes meandering through the community, my community. The sound of the tapperelli being lifted states that morning is quickly slipping away. Oh church bells! You are so beautiful, making me remember that I am living in a country that is well over 90 percent catholic.

Yesterday, we headed to the country, an hour outside of Milan. A place with rolling hills and climbing vineyards. A place where smiling couples look down from their second story windows and say they will be right down to help you. With our dinner reservation for 1:30, it left us just enough time to head to Cantina F.illi Piacentini. The post and beam buildings with antique farm equipment made me feel completely at home and I half chuckled at my friends who looked on at it with amazement and wonder. Unlike most of them, I knew what each tool was and what it was used for. I felt my heart settle and I was again struck by the concept of geography. It felt so good to be in the country to see the rolling hills and the families stacking wood for the winter. There is certainly something truly enchanting about country people. An unassuming kindness, that can wrap complete strangers up in love and make them feel like family. It was fun to watch my friends sigh in complete and utter curiousity. As if secretly wondering how these people can open their arms and hearts so wide. I too, was sighing, but it was in gratitude. I was amazed at how this little agriturismo held the magic that could suddenly transport me back to my parents kitchen table, which was a thousand miles away.

The food was carefully prepared. As we sat we ate antipasti. Stretched before us was warm homemade bread, grilled eggplant, pickled tomatoes and a quiche carefully sliced into cubes. The bottles of wine were opened as bottles of aqua frizzante and aqua naturale were gently placed on the table. We said saluti and the dinner began. First course consisted of plate after plate of pasta. Starting with fettucine and tomato sauce. Followed by a slightly sweet pumpkin gnocchi, a very common dish this time of year. Tbe zuchunni ravoli with grated parmesan, was so fresh that the pockets melted in my mouth.


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