Buried Treasure

Ames and Annie arrived on Wednesday.  Amy into Syracuse an 1 hour before Anne who arrived in Binghamton.  My sister helped and we converged at Lost Dog for a little lunch.  A quick introduction to Greene and then home to hide all the clues and the treasure.  The family gathered and soon they were introduced to my life here.  All around the kitchen table as pasta was prepared (t- sausage pasta and a group effort of pasta alla norma). Annie and Amy set off to help the boys decode their first clue.  And so it began.  Before long the Rapps arrived and Susie and Chip.  All taking turns to help out, I looked on with a smile. Breaks were taken for dinner and a second performance of the Christmas play...  

1st stop- secret compartment of my writing desk
2nd stop- Tarbell Farms Historical Marker

3rd stop- The small cemetery beside Susie and Chip's house (found with a lesson on the map from Chip.  Flashlights and boots on... Susie and Mom  snuck up and made ghost noises, only to immediately giggle)
4th stop- the one room school house
 Some quick figuring and the boys learned the treasure would be found in
the old barn foundation.  CONGRATULATIONS!
So much more fun to do it at night, not scary, but an adventure!
The best part...
"Can we go now!?"
"You want to go to the cemetery in the dark?"
"Ok, yes, absolutely, let's go!" (there is something so great about being able to say yes to kids)
 Next time, I am actually going to make them use their compasses!


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