Christmas Party
December 13, 2008
Justin came up with the invitation opener: ”Deck the Halls with Veal Meatballs” after I asked him for help with a phrase. Amy makes veal/currant/pine nut/parmesan balls cooked in red wine, a recipe we got from Riley in Amsterdam. If our apartment were to have a specialty dish, veal balls would be it. So,the date was set and I was in charge of the invites, Amy started downloading Christmas songs from i-tunes and Lisa and Piero headed to Ikea for Christmas decorations.
We soon had a favorite carol and insisted on singing it everywhere we went, harmonizing when possible, I have a hard time holding a tune. We sang in the streets, the metro, Mike’s car. We were so obnoxious, that Mike tried to hide the Christmas CD from us.
It was Paul Wicks that saved our Christmas spirit, with his answer to the simple question, “Will you learn and perform a carol with us, for the party?”
“Which one?” he asked sincerely, making us believe he might actually be game.
“God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. The Bare Naked Ladies and Sarah MacLachlan do a really cool version, that we want to sing.” Giving him the answer he had asked for but, not really believing he would agree.
“Sure, find me the lyrics and we can do it.” Four days later, he had learned the chords and Amy, Paul and I were practicing in his classroom at school, harmony and all.
Joy. I honestly felt joyous.
The day of the party came and Amy had a basketball game. It was my job to brave the store and start the preparations, but the real work would come when Lisa and Amy got home. The grocery store was ridiculous and I was instantly happy that I had dragged Zachariah and Neo to the store the night before to haul the bottles of liquor we needed home.
Before, we knew it 8 o’clock had arrived and Jenna and Mike were there to help cook the meatballs and arrange the meat and cheese. On the menu: Veal balls; mini homemade pizzas; two homemade cheese balls (recipe from my papa); marinated mushrooms; olives; caprese sticks; deviled eggs; sugar cookies; cupcakes.
A mix of 46 Italian and Americans filled our apartment and at about 10 oclock, Wicks grabbed his guitar and the guests gathered around as, Amy, Julie, and I sang Sarah’s part, Paul W. represented the Bare Naked Ladies and played the guitar, while Zachariah and Mike played “drums” on a kitchen pot and tackle box. The Italians watched and ended up singing a song in response. (I have to write more later!)

In Picture: (Back) Paul, Blake, Julie, Zachariah, Amy, Mike (front) Jenna, Me, Paul W., Sonja, Sara, Molli, Derrek