Lago Lugano
September 6, 2008
It was Friday night and there were no plans for the weekend. I was tired from the first week back. My body literally ached and I was trying unsuccessfully to avoid my dramatic sighs and moans about the fact that my feet were revolting from the high heels I had forced my feet into all week. For, even though I was feeling very sorry for my aching body, I did faintly remember that most of the world does work 12 months out the year, and one of those people happens to be my new room mate, Lisa.
To avoid the melancholy mood that always seems to set in whenever I am over-tired, I put on my sneakers and headed out for a walk with my ipod on shuffle, a sure way to make me smile. When I got home, my feet felt surprisingly better and it was as if the universe was rewarding me for my efforts to find personal happiness, for Amy was armed with just one question, "Wanna go to a spa with Annie in Switzerland this weekend?"
"YESSSS!" I responded as I plopped my sweaty body down on the bed, outstretching my arms as if begging to understand how these beautiful moments could keep happening to me.
No more questions, I decided to not ask anymore questions. We would leave at 10:30 the next morning and stay one night on Lago Lugano and come home on Sunday. It was decided that the next 24 hours would be spent just relaxing and probably acting like the somewhat ridiculous girls that we are. Wine and laughter...perfection.
I had never had a massage, they actually make me laugh uncontrollably and not in a comforting way. Brazilian waxes and massages...cause me to go into hysterics! A little curious, I must admit? I am not sure if I will ponder the reason behind this. Best to not go there, I suppose.
We arrived at Villa Sassa around noon and as we stood at the reception, picking out our "treatments", I felt strangely anxious. Annie soon opted for a poppy seed scrub, Amy, a massage, and I chose something that sounded like I might be dipped in warm honey.
I know, a weird choice. But work with me here. The guy at the reception lifted his eyebrows and said it was nice and if you know anything about me, I have a very hard time deciding anything. So I looked at the man with raised eyebrows and I quickly replied, "Sure, sounds good!"
Our appointments were set for 7pm. Plenty of time for lunch in town and a little sauna time before becoming a "bit of honey". The rain came down as we dined under awnings and ate pasta, pizza and steak, coupled of course, with red wine and macchiatos.
We eventually finished lunch and meandered our way back to the spa and spent the afternoon in the turkish steam baths allowing the heat to take away any worries of the last week and our return to work. Later with my journal in my hand, I came across questions from a Vanity Fair article that I had carefully written and answered in blue cursive writing just one year ago.
"What is your idea of perfect happiness?" "What is your greatest fear?" "What historical figure do you most identify with?" "The trait you most deplore in yourself?" "Your greatest extravagance?" "Your most over-rated virtue?" "Favorite Journey?" "Greatest regret?" "Greatest love of your life?" "When and where were you the happiest?" and the questions seemed to go on and on as Amy, Annie and I all answered one by one wrapped up in our white terry cloth robes and our paper slippers.
By the time 8 pm rolled around, it was clear that Amy had fallen in love with Georgio, her Swiss masseuse and was quickly calculating how many times a year she could afford to do this. For me, I wondered if I had finally grown up, because I did not laugh once and it turned out getting a honey scrub is quite refreshing! We finished the night ordering room service and eating dinner on our balcony in our yoga pants with wine we had brought from Italy. The next morning we ate breakfast over looking the lake and mountains, ready to face week number two.