Viva Las Vegas!

July 31, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
When, Tracey text messaged me on Thursday afternoon asking if I would head to Vegas with her the next day. I thought she was kidding. I should have known, she wasn't. Over the course of the last year, I have become my sister's wing man, her partner in crime, her soulmate. So when, her ex husband's wedding weekend rolled around, I should have known, something big needed to happen. Tracey and I both realizing that August 20th is rapidly approaching, and we will soon be living on opposite sides of the Atlantic. Our hearts wonder, how will we survive? We have been each other's confidant, each other's rock, each other's fun for the last year. In her, I have found my home. Knowing that I must go, but wondering why it has to be so far away. We are siblings that were made to live in the same town. I secretly hope that someday our lives will be as geographically close as our ones were on opposite ends of Chenango Street. Only time will tell, I suppose.
So Friday, afternoon we met Jen, Tracey's best friend from college. Oh to see Jen, was wonderful. What fun we had next to the wave pool at Mandalay Bay or at the spa. We went dancing and Jen soon met Alberto from Trieste. She glowed in her black and white flowered dress. She worked hard to gain a contact for me, getting his email and phone number. Alberto had a childlike glisten to his eyes and when, after brief introductions, he gently touched my hair and told me he thought my curls were beautiful, I had the fleeting thought that Italian men might be very dangerous indeed!