
March 29, 2007
Common Ground Conference

The lights dimmed, the plates clattering in the background as Glen McClure speaks of school climate and change. Teachers as change agents. Education is a beautiful thing, but it is good to remember that anything worth knowing can not be taught.

What a beautiful day!

The glasses that sit before us glimmer as the dehydrated bodies sit and are sucked dry by the hotel environment of blowing fans and fluorescent light bulbs.

The familiarity of it all is somewhat comforting. Glimpses of personalities seen months ago wander through the ballroom. Beautiful people, their beauty oozing from their straight backs, their curved fingers, their tilted necks. Weight lifted toward heaven, yet firmly and gently standing as if gliding between heaven and earth, yet not contemplating either.

The dance of life, intricate, sublime. Voices, depth, reality. You must have the truth, the whisperings of the soul.


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